CCSC Community Members:
We will have construction fencing going up on Febraury 27. I am attaching in this message several traffic flow diagrams 
and parking diagrams for the school day and for athletic events.

Please understand that traffic flow and parking will change at different times during the construction project based upon what areas we are working on. We will keep everyone up to date as those changes occur.
A few of the major changes include:
1. The only entrance/exit point to the HS North Parking lot will be from 100 N.
2. All HS staff should park in the South Parking lot located between CCHS and CCES and enter door S-18.
2. The drive behind the HS (EAST drive behind AG shop and Gym 2) will be blocked off with construction fencing.
3. 7-12th grade student drop off will enter through the South main drive entrance, pull in front of the HS to drop off at door W-1 and exit the HS North drive on SR. 29.
4. The HS North drive will become an “Exit Only” point.
I am working on getting signs made and posted around the campus to highlight these adjustments. It is my hope to have these ready by Friday or Monday at the latest.
The number one goal with the traffic flow and parking is our staff and students safety. This will be an inconvenience at times, but it is a necessary one to ensure everyone’s safety.
We will have these maps available on our school website, www.clintoncentral.org If you have any questions at all do not hesitate to contact me at 765-670-1716.