A Frankfort veteran was located in need of emergency medical aid in Putnam County after a thorough investigation led by an off-duty Captain at the Frankfort Police Department on Sunday.
On Sunday, June 7, the Frankfort Police Department was reportedly contacted regarding a missing 76-year-old U.S. military veteran. Officers reportedly began their investigation locally in the Frankfort area, but information received from the community indicated that he was not in the local area, prompting officer Jacob Myers to contact the VA where he learned the man would not do well without the medications that he left at his residence.
Captain Evan Hall elected to assist with the investigation while off duty, and he confirmed that the missing veteran was not in the Frankfort area utilizing the Flock Safety Cameras. Investigators and other administrative staff were contacted while efforts were being made to initiate a new “Green Alert” for the missing veterans at risk, and Captain Hall contacted Clinton County Central Dispatch to issue an alert to the cellular provider who utilized its technology to ping the man’s last known location regardless of whether the phone was actively turned on at the moment of contact.
Initially, the ping came back and was not usable for a specific location, and Captain Hall requested dispatch to call the cellular carrier again to provide a GPS signal in Putnam County, authorities report. Upon realizing the man’s last known location was in Putnam County, the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office was contacted, leading to deputies reportedly locating the missing man’s truck but not the veteran.
While on the phone, a deputy reportedly radioed that the man was located and needed immediate emergency medical aid. Following the location of the man, Frankfort Chief Scott Shoemaker stated that he received an email of gratitude toward Captain Hall and the entire department for their efforts in locating the veteran.
On behalf of the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office, I would like to commend Captain Hall on his thorough investigation into locating (the man). Without Captain Hall going the extra mile by pinging the cell phone, it’s my sincere belief the outcome would have been tragic. Mr. (redacted) was located barely conscious at a local gravel quarry within short walking distance of the deep pit.
Thank you.
Shoemaker issued a statement regarding Captain Hall and his efforts in locating the veteran.
“I want to commend Captain Hall for always coming in from off-duty status to help serve our citizens and our officers,” Shoemaker said. “Sometimes we all need to read a story that shows the good work police officers do every day.”
The department stated that once medically able, the department will reach out to the veteran to see if he would want to meet with Captain Hall and the other officers who helped locate him in Putnam County.