USB Agrees to Tree Trimming Bid

The Utility Service Board is going to attack a growing problem in and around Frankfort by agreeing to an agreement with tree trimming company called Tree Core.

“Focus number one would be in the Frankfort corporate city limits,” said Kent Brewer. “It won’t just go outside of town a mile. We’ve got hotspot areas we’re looking at throughout the city.”

Brewer added if you have a tree in a power line, the company will call you before they take it down or trim it,

The contract is for one year with a not-to-exceed limit of $250,000.

The USB also agreed to terms with Midwest Spraying, who will be spraying herbicide to help keep unsightly growth areas to a minimum.

“The spraying is not meant to kill,” said Brewer. “It will be used in the city in certain places, but in the industrial park near the rail lines. We’re going to mow all of that and it will be sprayed after that. It will be used like a growth inhibitor.”

Brewer also said people will be getting door knocker tags on their doors. That tag will have a contact number on it for citizens to call. People may also call Frankfort City, Light and Power after they have exhausted the first option.

If the weather is good, Brewer expects the new agreement to begin around the first of April.