Kevin Evans Appointed to Indiana 211 Hot Line Advisory Committee


Indiana Family and Social Services Administration Secretary Dr. Dan Rusyniak under the Governor’s appointing authority appointed Kevin Evans as a new member to the Indiana 211 Advisory Committee.

As a member of the Indiana 211 Advisory Committee, Evans represents the needs of the community, provides insight into unmet needs in resources, reviews data, provides innovative ideas for services, and communicates with community partners. Evans is the Director for the Indiana Township Association helping to educate and represent township government on the state level.

Under this role, Evans works on legislation for townships, collaborates with state agencies, and works with representatives at the state level to advance township government. Evans is also the Union Township Trustee in Clinton County.

The advisory board, as specified by legislation, must include at least two members representing different Indiana United Way entities, members who have experience working for or with the Indiana 211 Partnership or the Indiana 211 board of directors, members representing local service agencies that receives referrals from IN211, and members representing the types of human services provided.

Evans has started serving a three-year term and looks forward to working with all members of the advisory committee.