City of Lafayette Issues Warning About Possible Bad Water Downstream

During heavy rains or snowmelts, the wastewater and storm water runoff volume can exceed the capacity of the combined sewer system. As a result, sewers in the older areas of Lafayette can overflow, sending untreated sewage and rainwater into our waterways.  Weather conditions indicate a strong possibility that overflows may occur; or that overflows have occurred in the past 72 hours.

Please avoid all contact with water downstream of the combined sewers.  Ingestion or hand-to-mouth contact with sewage-contaminated water could make you sick.  Signs are posted along our waterways to identify the 10 combined sewer outfalls and areas where contact with the water could be hazardous to your health.  Even in dry weather, it is best to avoid contact with urban.

The affected areas include:

Wabash River downstream of Greenbush Street

Durkees Run Ditch

The City of Lafayette encourages you to take the following protective actions when recreating in City waterways:

  • Avoid contact with urban streams, especially during and three days after rain.
  • Alter recreational activities to ones that do not contact water.
  • Always wash your hands after contacting water in urban streams, especially before eating.
  • Use a waterless hand sanitizer at outings that occur near urban streams.

Clean waterways are a priority for the City of Lafayette.  The City has implemented many projects to improve our waterways and reduce and eliminate sewage overflow.  There has been substantial investments to modernize and increase capacity at the wastewater treatment plant, including increased storage capacities in rain events.

For more information on Combined Sewer Overflows in the City of Lafayette visit or call (765) 807-1800 and ask to speak with Brad Talley, Lafayette Renew.