Zonta Club Of Frankfort Will Host Its 31st Annual Chicken Noodle Supper & Country Store Tomorrow, March 9

The Zonta Club of Frankfort will be hosting its 31st Annual Chicken Noodle Supper and Country Store event tomorrow, Saturday, March 9 fro 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Edward Jones Building at the Clinton County Fairgrounds.

The dinner will offer carryout for those seeking to enjoy the meal at home or visitors can dine-in, and tickets may be received by contacting a Zonta member, messaging the Zonta Club of Frankfort or purchasing a ticket at the door. Tickets are $12 for adults, $6 from children four to 12 and free for children three and under.

Accompanying the dinner will be the locally famous country store, which offers sweet treats and handmade goods for everyone to explore that change every year. From angel food cakes to pies and beyond, the country store has become a must-see part of the event every year.

The funds raised at the event will help support the various Zonta scholarships and local organizations.

One of the scholarships that the dinner and country store help fund is the Zonta Young Women in Public Affairs Award, which offers a $1,000 scholarship to a young woman aged 16 to 19 to support her educational journey and honor her commitment to public service. Applications are due today, March 8 for the 2024 scholarship. Scholarship applications can be found online at zonta.org, in the guidance office or by messaging the Zonta Club of Frankfort. The selected scholarship application will be sent to the Zonta International Level where the applicant may be selected for an additional $5,000.

“The goal of this award is to encourage young women to participate in public affairs by recognizing a young woman’s commitment to the volunteer sector, evidence of volunteer leadership achievements and a dedication to the empowerment of women worldwide,” Zonta released. “The Zonta International Young Women in Public Affairs Award Program looks to the young women of today to be the leaders of tomorrow.”

Proceeds from the 31st Annual Chicken Noodle Supper and Country Store will be utilized to continue the disbursement of scholarships in the future.