Boone County Solid Waste Management District Releases Instructions For Proper Fireworks Disposal

The Boone County Solid Waste Management District released guidelines for the proper disposal of leftover fireworks, stating that even utilized fireworks may still spark a fire or cause serious injury if not disposed of properly.

The Boone County Solid Waste Management District stated that all fireworks should be handled with care, regardless of whether fireworks are spent or are considered “duds” as they may still possess the ability to spark a fire or cause serious injury. The district further instructed community members to never attempt to relight a “dud” firework.

The district began by instructing community members to pick up all of the debris following the deployment of the fireworks before beginning the disposal steps for leftover or “dud” fireworks.

The district instructed community members to submerge spent fireworks, duds and sparklers into a bucket of water for a minimum of 15 minutes, and the best process would be to submerge the leftover fireworks overnight to ensure that the explosive and flammable materials are as deactivated as possible. Community members should then remove any remaining fuse or wick from the firework, wrap the soaked fireworks in a sealed bag and dispose of the fireworks in the residential household trash as fireworks cannot be recycled.

For more information on proper firework disposal and safety concerns, contact the local fire department for guidelines and answers.