BCSO: Your Concerns Have Been Heard

The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), Indiana Legislators, Western Boone County Community School Corporation, and the Boone County Sheriff’s Office have partnered up to find a way to make the intersection of State Road 32 and State Road 75 safe for all travelers.

Since the day of the tragic accident that took place on March 30, 2021, INDOT has been onsite conducting traffic studies and working closely with local and state officials.

The below work has been completed to date by INDOT on State Road 32 and State Road 75.

• Buzz strips were installed on S.R. 75, prior to the speed limit reduction.
• The 45 mph speed limit signs were installed on S.R. 75 within Dover city limits.
• The 45 mph speed limit on S.R. 32 was extended on the east end of Dover by a few hundred feet.
• Installed “stop ahead” signs on S.R. 75 for S.R. 32.
• The Dover city limit signs were moved to the 55 mph/45 mph transitions on all four ends of Dover.
• Portable speed radar signs have been placed on S.R. 32. One east of S.R. 75 and one west of S.R. 75 within the 45 mph zone. They will be left in place until permanent speed radar signs are placed.

INDOT plans on installing rumble strips on SR 32 next week, weather permitting.

It is all our hopes that with these new adjustments in place, it will be the start to a safer intersection for the community and all those who travel through our county.

“We truly appreciate the opportunity to collaborate with the local community and school leaders. We will continue to monitor the safety improvements at the intersection and implement additional measures as necessary,” said INDOT District Deputy Commissioner, Shane Spears. “We ask motorists to pay attention every time they get behind the wheel, so they arrive safely at their destination.”

Sheriff Mike Nielsen stated, “Just a few days after this tragic accident I received an email from Rob Ramey from Western Boone School Corporation on what we all could do to improve the safety of this intersection. Just two days after that email there was a virtual meeting that was conducted and consisted of Western Boone, the Indiana Department of Transportation, a concerned citizen, the Sheriff’s Office, and several legislators. It is important to understand that everyone involved in this meeting wants to improve the safety of this intersection. Just putting up a traffic light at that intersection may not be the right answer. Many options were discussed. Much data has already been collected. We all will continue to partner with everyone involved to make sure that this intersection continues to see safety improvements. It was great to see the collaboration of everyone involved and I have no doubt that collaboration and partnership will continue.”

Western Boone Superintendent Rob Ramey stated, “WBCCSC appreciates the preventive measures being implemented in an attempt to reduce speed and bring awareness to the intersection at State Road 32 and State Road 75. School officials, law enforcement, lawmakers, and INDOT will continue working together to improve the safety of the intersection”.

As pointed out in the headline, “Your Concerns Have Been Heard.” We stand by the motto, “If you see something, say something.” We are always listening and seeking out new ways to make our county safer for all that live within and travel through. Thank you for helping make our county a safer place to live and visit!