The Boone County Chamber of Commerce celebrated its 125th year with the Annual Awards Banquet held at Finley Creek Vineyards on US 421 just south of the roundabout in Boone County. 175 people were in attendance according to Boone County Chamber Executive Director Joslyn McGriff-Bensley.

Joslyn said “I think it was a perfect evening. It was so fun to celebrate our community, our business partner leaders and really just come together for a fun night.”
Boone County Daily News asked McGriff-Bensley what lies ahead for the Chamber this year. “Really exciting things. We hope to see growth as our community is growing and the County is growing. That is our hope for next year.” Highlights of the evening included “Just hearing all the incredible stories of our community partners and the good things people are doing around the County”
Joslyn continued, ”We are a brand new staff here at the Chamber so we would love to meet as many people as we can so please stop by the Chamber office, say hello, see what kind of flyers and pamphlets and coupons we have and check us out!”
Healthcare Provider of the Year: Dr. Thomas R. Cartwright, MD
Hometown Community Service Award: Missy Krulik-Heart of Lebanon
Educator of the Year:
- Lebanon: Josh DeBard
- Western Boone: Kelly Fettig
- Sheridan: Shirley Wiete
- Zionsville: Shirley Wiete (Trailside Elementary)
Children’s Champion Award: Tracey Christner – Victim Advocate, Advocate Co-ordinator and Paralegal
Emergency Provider of the Year: Eric Clanton – Advance Firefighter
Chamber Non-Profit of the Year: Heart of Lebanon
Chamber Business of the Year: Hotel Tango
Chamber Business Professional of the Year: Deidra Rausch – The Cabin Counseling Center