On Monday, April 13, the Boone County Commissioners have issued a continuance of the State of Emergency Declaration. This declaration will be in effect through Monday, April 20 and may be extended.
All Boone County-owned and operated buildings will continue to be closed to the general public, except for essential business that may only be completed in-person. All other essential business may be conducted online, electronically, or via phone. Please contact the necessary office or facility for further guidance. The following will continue to apply to all Boone County-owned and operated buildings:
• Members of the public with essential business to conduct in county-owned and operated businesses may do so between the hours of 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. All members of the public and employees must pass screening inside the evaluation tent on the south side of the Courthouse before being permitted to continue.
• Courts will continue to function and hear specific cases. If you have a hearing scheduled through April 30, please call the Courts for direction.
• The Boone County 4-H Fairgrounds will continue to be closed to the public. The Annex and Witham building may be used for patient overflow from Witham Hospital as a precautionary preparedness measure for any future needs.
o Zionsville High School has been designated as an alternative overflow facility if, for whatever reason, the county is not able to utilize the 4-H Fairgrounds.
This declaration will expire in seven days and may be renewed upon further evaluation. The Commissioners and county partners will reconvene every Monday for the time being to determine if a continued declaration is warranted. Evaluations will occur daily and updates will be distributed as necessary.
Please forward inquiries to Claire Haughton, Public Information Officer with the Boone County Health Department, at chaughton@co.boone.in.us or (765)482-3942, option 7. Residents are always welcome to reach out to the Boone County Health Department via phone, email, or the Boone County Health Department Facebook page at facebook.com/boonecoHD.
For further information about COVID-19, please visit the Boone County website at boonecounty.in.gov, the Indiana State Department of Health at in.gov/coronavirus, or the CDC at coronavirus.gov.