Camden Jackson Township Fire Department Chief Named Firefighter Of The Month, Receives MacQueen Excellence Award

The Camden Jackson Township Fire Department has announced its firefighter of the month, who received the designation and the honor for his leadership within the department, following his receipt of a coveted award.

The department announced that the firefighter of the month for August is Chief Eric Foreman, who has served as the Fire Chief for over 10 years, leading the department to acquire numerous new pieces of equipment, trucks and gear to continue the department’s service to the community of Camden. Foreman also spearheaded the involvement of the crews in active training to develop their skills beyond extinguishing fires.

“Thanks to his dedication and leadership, we now not only have the ability to fight fires but also to do rope rescue, HazMat containment and many other unique rescue situations,” the department released. “It takes a special person to lead a department of volunteers, and Eric does a fantastic job of this every day.”

Foreman was recently awarded the MacQueen Excellence Award for his leadership of the department. The award is distributed by the Indiana Volunteer Firefighters Association every year to a member that made a difference in their community and department by aiding in the promotion of the betterment of fire service in their community. Foreman expressed his gratitude for the firefighters at the department and the community he serves.

“I am very humbled to receive this award,” Foreman wrote. “I am nothing without the very dedicated, hard working and share the love to serve the community as much as I do group. I share this award with the men and women of the Camden Jackson Township Fire Department.”

Fire Chief Eric Foreman receives the IVFA MacQueen Excellence Award.
– Photo courtesy of Jill St. Clair Photography & Camden Jackson Township Fire Department