City Of Delphi ‘Utility Terrain Vehicles And Golf Carts’ Ordinance Now In Effect

The City of Delphi passed an ordinance regarding the need for increased permits and documentation for utility terrain vehicles and golf carts in city limits.

Chapter 77 was passed in November 2022 with intentions to regulate the use of utility terrain vehicles and golf carts in the Delphi streets and included a sunset provision that stated that the chapter in the code of ordinances would “expire within one year of its codification unless action is taken by the common council of the City of Delphi to either amend or delete this section.” The initial chapter expired on Nov. 7, 2023.

The common council convened to discuss the implementation of the chapter once more as the council “recognizes that there is a continuing public interest in utilizing utility terrain vehicles and golf carts on public streets in the City of Delphi.” The council expressed its intent to permanently reenact the chapter to address the public interest in the matter.

The first step of reenacting the chapter saw the council vote to amend Title VII of the code of ordinances, entitled “Traffic Code,” by repealing Chapter 77 in its previous form, which was a chapter entitled “Utility Terrain Vehicles and Golf Carts,” to strike the sunset provision. The new ruling stated that the chapter would be repealed in its entirety and reenacted.

The second section of the new ruling stated that the reenacted chapter would exclude a sunset provision, causing the amendment to become permanent in the code of ordinances. The ruling also stated that the ordinance would be fully in effect within 30 days after the third and final passing.

The chapter was officially passed by the council on Feb. 5 and has now been placed back into place for Delphi residents.

The Delphi Police Department also released information regarding the ordinance, stating that residents must pay a registration fee, obtain liability insurance, have the department inspect the vehicle for necessary equipment and display the required permit.