Clinton Central Lady Bulldogs defeated Lebanon by the score of 45-40
Scoring for the Bulldogs Carly Davison 21, Abby Harris 9, Riley Dellinger 5, Emily Long 4, Lynnsie Walsmith, Annamae Metzinger, and Hannah Jacobs each added 2 points.
Top Scoring for the Tigers, Sophie Kyker 11, Jade Mount 9, Ali Bir 8,Marnia Barr and Aubrey Goodlet each added 4
Click the links for photos and then please read about Linda with words from Janet Cline below.
Facebook users click here for grade school Lady Bulldogs
Facebook users click here for Varsity game
Half time of the JV game in which the JV fell to Lebanon 56-6. The 1st and 2nd grade lady Bulldogs played some basketball and entertained the fans.
At Halftime of the Varsity game Linda Kay (Rule) Barnett was honored with a bench made from bottle caps. Janet Cline was spokesperson and here is her story about the bench.
Lids for Linda : (Story Contributor Janet Cline)
This project was started by Linda according to Carolyn Fields, maybe five or six years ago or more.
All Linda was trying to do was to get a bench for the Michigantown community center with the help of the Green Tree Plastics- ABC Partnership in Evansville, Indiana.
Little did she know she had enough for three benches at that time stored in multiple boxes.
The Michigantown Alumni paid for the red bench $300.
The community came up with $685. To finish the two green benches we have here tonight.
But that wasn’t the end of it.
An extra $675 was donated, so then we started having to look for lids to finish the project again. We collected enough lids to purchase a large picnic table for MCC/ Michigantown Lions.
$1,360 was promised in less than one day on Facebook.
So now, the Michigantown community center – Lions club now has a 92 inch Ozark table weigh over 500 pounds.
Total pounds of recycle caps and lids
1,165 pounds.
A BIG THANK YOU to those that donated the funds to finish our “ Lids for Linda” project.
Thank you to our lids sorters and cleaners:
Sam and Carolyn Fields,
Chris Valley Guffy,
Max Avery, Debbie Avery,
Kathy Neal,
Melea Fields Kercheval,
Dean and Becky Walker,
Roger for hauling everything and sorting.
Jeffrey Cline and Christi L. Cline for loaning your trailer.
Kyle Rule and Cheyenne Rule for giving our sorting group a warm place to go through the donated bags from Barb Dorman.
In memory of Linda Kay (Rule) Barnett
Family, Friend, Teacher, Coach, Mentor
Just a reminder that Linda lived-
Do not reduce her life to her death.
Speak her name, hear her voice, fix one her favorite foods(magic brownies or monkey bread, best ham loaf), visit her favorite places(Florida or anything going on at Central), and share a favorite memory.
Because that’s how she can stay alive a little.
Janet Cline
And as Linda always said
Linda Kay Rule Barnett