Clinton County Family YMCA Unveils New Diabetes Program

In partnership with IU Health, Healthy Communities, and United Way, the Clinton County Family YMCA is excited to announce the All Foods, Fit! Diabetes and Chronic Disease Prevention Program! Starting Thursday, August 26th and running 12 weeks through November 11, this program, with updated curriculum and a new fast-track style, will help those at risk of diabetes and other chronic health issues to understand how to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

During the course, participants will learn topics such as reading food ingredient labels, modifying recipes to better fit their healthy choices, and taking charge of their environment. An IU Health Outpatient Dietitian will also lead cooking demos throughout the course. In addition to the classes, the class attendees will be provided with a complimentary 3-month membership from the Y, giving them access to the pool, fitness track, and additional fitness classes as a part of their member perks.

This program is recommended for any individuals that find themselves facing a potential onset of diabetes or those that have been diagnosed as pre-diabetic. In addition, anyone with a high fasting glucose level or previous diagnosis of gestational diabetes is encouraged to consider attending. As with any diet and exercise program, you are encouraged to consult with your physician prior to enrolling.

The cost to attend this 12-week program is $50 with no additional fees for membership or class materials. You can enroll today at the Clinton County Family YMCA during business hours (8:00 AM – 6:00 PM Monday – Friday) by calling or stopping in to see one of our friendly staff members.

The Clinton County Family YMCA has been a landmark in Frankfort, IN for over 30 years. As a staple in the local community for childcare, fitness, and food provision amongst other programs, the Y is the home to many classes, volunteers, and staff members who are passionate about making their community a better place. Learn more about how you can volunteer or take on a healthier lifestyle by visiting or stopping in during our business hours of 5:00 AM – 8:30 PM Monday – Friday, 5:00 AM – 6:30 PM on Saturday, and 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM Sunday.