The Clinton County Health Department welcomed three new full-time employees to the organization with salaries funded by the Health First Indiana initiative that was funded in the 2023 legislative session.

Through the funding, the department was approved to hire Kalah Cheek as the lead case manager, Karina Martinez as the community health equity worker and Miriam Cline, LPN, as the public health nurse. In total, Clinton County received nearly $375,000 in state funding in January to improve public health incomes, which set the stage for the county to approve the new recruits according to Clinton County Health Department Administrator Rodney Wann.
“The funding really benefits rural communities like ours that tend to have fewer resources,” Wann said. “We are thrilled to welcome Kalah Cheek, Karina Martinez, and Miriam Cline to the team. Their diverse backgrounds and skills will greatly enhance our ability to serve the residents of Clinton County.”

Cheek will assume the role of lead case manager where she will be tasked with leading lead testing initiatives and assisting with the immunization clinic. Cheek was noted as a graduate of Clinton Central High School, and she holds an associate degree from MedTech College.
Martinez will assume the role of community health equity worker where she will serve the department as an interpreter for Spanish-speaking
clients as well as working closely with local organizations to promote the services offered by the department for underserved communities. Martinez was noted as a Frankfort High School graduate.

Cline will assume the role of public health nurse to focus on working with tuberculosis patients, testing for sexually-transmitted infections for clients and tracking communicable diseases. Cline was noted as a Frankfort High School graduate who then graduated from Ivy Tech Community College.