Cub Scouts Pack 338 Information & Join Night Set For Tomorrow, Aug. 20

The Community Schools of Frankfort encouraged its elementary students to attend the Cub Scouts information night tomorrow, Tuesday, Aug. 20 for students and young community members to learn more about the Scouts and consider joining the ranks.

The information and join night has been set for tomorrow, Tuesday, Aug. 20 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at St. Matthew United Methodist Church at 1951 Wilshire Dr. in Frankfort. The “Let’s Scout” event will introduce community youth to the operations and activities of Cub Scouts Pack 338, such as fun-filled activities for scouts to earn badges, learn new skills and have fun alongside other youth in the community.

The Cub Scouts Pack 338 accepts community members between kindergarten and fifth-grade. For more information, contact Josh at [email protected].