– Photo courtesy of the Humane Society of Clinton County
The Humane Society of Clinton County released a statement regarding an intake that was later determined to be a surrender by the owner.
The Humane Society encouraged community members to remain truthful when bringing a new resident to the Humane Society to ensure that the resident receives the best and proper care and opportunity to find their forever home.
Humane Society Statement:
It has come to our attention that there has been commotion online about a situation that occurred yesterday with false statements. We usually don’t do this sort of thing, but now feel compelled to share our side of the story and be done with it.
Yesterday, we had a woman come in to the shelter carrying this puppy in her arms. She told us an elaborate story about how she found the dog Wednesday night running around Antioch. So, we did our typical intake for strays – which is taking a photo copy of the person’s driver’s license, having them fill out a small intake sheet answering a few questions and took a photo of the dog for Paw Pals of Clinton County to post in hopes we could locate the pet’s family. Not knowing at that time that that would not be happening, because the girl who brought in the puppy had actually had her for over a month. She had posted her online on various sites trying to rehome her as far back as May 22nd. Photo attached.
Once we were presented with the information that the “finder” was the family – one of the Animal Control officers contacted the girl who dropped the dog off letting her know we would need to switch the process from a “stray” intake to a “surrender” intake. We always know when doing this that people are either going to be nice and cooperate or they’re not going to be happy about being called out and confronted. I bet you can guess which way this one went.
When people come to us for help we “expect” to be given truthful information. Just be honest – it really isn’t that hard. This is one of the most difficult things about working with animals is that they cannot talk to us. They are relying on their owners to be their voices. We are here to help animals and people, but it is hard when we are lied to left and right and then blasted online for trying to do the right thing.
Are we perfect? No. Do emotions run high in these situations? Yes – because we are all animal lovers over here and want to protect these babies at all costs. We are the ones who ultimately have to look into the eyes of your pet at the end of the day. Have a bit of respect for us and the roles that we play day in and day out. Shelter work is one of the most rewarding jobs someone can have, but also one of the hardest jobs emotionally and mentally. This right here is one of the many reasons why.