The Kokomo Police Department released further information regarding the arrest of a man investigators determined responsible for firing shots into a vehicle and a building located in the 900 Block of South Washington Street in February, stating that the man was arrested on June 13 on a search warrant.
On Feb. 28, just before 3:30 p.m., Kokomo Police Department officers reportedly responded to a report that several gunshots were fired into a vehicle and a building along South Washington Street, and officers located the vehicle with several bullet holes before interviewing several witnesses. After collecting forensic evidence of the incident, the evidence was compared to other scenes as the investigation continued, eventually resulting in a search warrant to be filed, police say.
On June 13, an arrest warrant was issued from the Howard Circuit Court for the arrest of Harron Burnett Jr., 18, for Attempted Murder, level 1 felony, and criminal recklessness, level 5 felony, and police reportedly located Burnett at 216 E. Harrison St. in Kokomo. The officers reportedly executed the search warrant on the residence where they found additional guns and ammunition.
The police stated that the case remains under investigation, and community members with additional information are encouraged to contact Captain Bruce Rood at 765-456-7332 or the Kokomo Police Department Hotline at 765-456-7017. Community members may also leave an anonymous tip for the department by utilizing the tip411 app.
The department issued a reminder to the community that all people are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.