On Monday, November 27, Frankfort Mayor Judy Sheets issued a proclamation in support of the Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women (aka “Zonta Says NO!”) campaign. Fellow members of the Zonta Club of Frankfort joined her, along with representatives of the Greater Lafayette YWCA, WeCare Recovery Home, and Frankfort Police Department.
Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women is a Zonta International campaign to raise awareness of and increase actions to end violence against women and girls around the world. The campaign began in November 2012 and each year encompasses the 16 days from November 25 (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women Day) and December 10 (Human Rights Day).
During these 16 days, all Zonta clubs and districts are encouraged to take part in the Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women campaign and to take local, national, and international actions to influence the making and implementation of laws, as well as changing gender-based attitudes and behaviors to end violence against women and girls.
“Zonta envisions a world where no woman lives in fear of violence. Through the Zonta Says NO to Violence Against Women campaign, our members and allies stand together, uniting our voices to advocate for all those who have suffered gender-based violence. Zonta is needed now, more than ever, to continue its work to end violence and build a better world for women and girls.” Ute Scholz – Zonta International President
Orange was chosen to promote the message of “Zonta Says NO!” as it is a dynamic and vibrant color and considered an optimistic symbol for a future free of violence for women and girls. Symbols of the Zonta Says NO! campaign can be seen throughout our community with signs located in the lawns of businesses, city & county buildings, and residences, along with orange lighting at the Frankfort Community Public Library, Clinton County Sheriff’s Office, and on a special tree during the Festival of Lights at the TPA Park in memory of Martha Webb, a Frankfort Zontian for many years. And year-round, a Paul Phillippe Resource Center bus displays the Zonta Says NO! signage.
For far too long, violence against women has continued. Zonta is helping to end this. Won’t you join in saying “NO!”?