Michigantown Lions Club Honors Veterans, Memorializes Linda Barnett

The Kirklin American Legion conducts the 21-Gun Salute.

The Michigantown Lions Club hosted its Memorial Day service at the Michigantown Lions Club-Alumni Community Center on Monday, May 27 in honor of the veterans who have given the ultimate sacrifice and in honor of Linda Barnett.

Lions Club President Dennis Shoup led off the ceremony by welcoming the community into the Lions Club gym, and he recognized numerous veterans in attendance who served to ensure the freedoms of those in attendance.

“This is a great opportunity for us to honor the veterans, many of whom are here today,” Shoup said. “We can honor the millions of veterans, men and women, who have served our country who have allowed us to live in the greatest country in the world, the United States of America, and be so blessed to be able to live in this country.”

Attendees look toward the flag during the National Anthem.

The attendees continued to enjoy the National Anthem performed by the Fun Time Band, the Pledge of Allegiance, prayer, and a call for remembrance and honor before speaker Ron Trees took to the podium to speak about a renowned veteran in the Clinton County community, Adrian Marks.

Trees spoke about the history of the USS Indianapolis and the key role that Marks played in ensuring the safety and rescue of over 50 sailors who relied on his support after the ship was sank.

The USS Indianapolis was hit by two torpedoes on July 30, 1945 at 12:15 a.m. that sunk the ship. Out of 1,196 men, 824 men were not able to be rescued, but Marks led a rescue effort that resulted in the rescue of 316 survivors.

“Without the USS Indianapolis, there would be no Adrian Marks hero in Clinton County,” Trees said. “They were dunked into the ocean, 1,196 of them. 824 went down with the ship basically. 316 survivors of the USS Indianapolis, and of those survivors, Adrian Marks comes into the picture with saving 56 of them.”

Since his heroic actions where he landed a plane on the turbulent waters and rescued individuals to ensure they would no longer be victims of shark attacks or exhaustion, Marks became a hero in the Clinton County community with the airport named after him and the main stretch of TPA Park bearing his name.

Following Trees’ presentation, the audience was serenaded by the Fun Time Band as they played a medley of military songs where veterans were encouraged to stand as their song played. Randy Jenkins rounded out the main ceremony with a rendition of “God Bless The USA,” followed by Taps and a 21-gun salute by the Kirklin American Legion.

Long-time member of the Lions Club Don Blanch also encouraged the community to remember Linda Barnett alongside the veterans for her service as a Lions Club member and impactful community member throughout her life.

“Linda was a member of our Lions Club, and we lost Linda this spring, so our program this morning is not only for the veterans who gave all but in remembrance of Linda,” Blanch said. “I know that Linda will be missed by family, friends and a lot in the community. Linda was involved in so many activities in our community.”

A dove release was conducted following the initial ceremony in honor of Barnett and all the veterans that are honored on Memorial Day.

Fun Time Band Performance Of The Medley:

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A dove release is held in honor of veterans and Linda Barnett.