Sheets Happy With Turnout at State of the City Address at Skanta Theatre

Frankfort Mayor Judy Sheets speaks to the crowd gathered at Skanta Theatre Monday night for the State of the City.
Frankfort Street Superintendent Jason Forsythe spoke to the crowd Monday night, He said the Community Crossings & Paving Grant should be announced soon.

Frankfort Mayor Judy Sheets said she didn’t really know many people would show for the State of the City Annual Report Monday night at the Skanta Theatre in the Frankfort Community Public Library.

“I’m really excited for the number of people that were here this evening,” said Sheets. “I didn’t know what to expect. But I love to see the people want to know what is going on in the City of Frankfort and that they are engaged in the community. I think that is so important.”

As it turned out, around 50 people attended the event in which they heard Sheets plus all of her department heads give updates on what happened in 2023 plus goals for 2024 in the Gem City.

Sheets pointed out some of the new things that has helped transform the community into what it is today with Sapphire Bay becoming the swimming pool for families after years within one and the new Frankfort Police Station giving officers what they have wanted and needed for years.

However, growth isn’t just about bricks and mortar. It’s about the entrepreneurial spirit that saw new businesses blossom with each one adding a unique flavor to the community. It’s about welcoming new families and residents, who bring fresh perspectives and enrich our social fabric. And, it’s about investing in our youth, with programs like the Frankfort Connect App keeping them informed and engaged.

Sheets also pointed out that the community saw an incredible outpouring of community spirit with community events, the Fourth of July fireworks along with the Frankfort Farmers and Artisan Market that overflowed with local produce and friendly faces. She also brought up the fact in looking ahead to the annexation to I-65 which promises exciting new possibilities plus the planning of Fire Station#4 in this area.

But, probably the biggest thing that was brought up was the financial growth of the City. Some of those things include the City’s Capital Improvement Plan that is funding over $15.3 million in capital over a six-year period (2023-2028) with all capital requests funded as of year-end 2023.

Another thing in cash reserves. The goal is to have 180 days. The City ended the year with 163 days of cash on hand. The Plan is moving in the right direction by growing cash reserves from 128 days in 2019 to 163 days in 2023. The City’s major operating funds have 154 days of cash reserves and overall, the funds tracked within the financial plan grew approximately $670K in 2023.

“I think that’s fantastic,” said Sheets about the financial numbers. “It took everybody working together. We had to look at our revenues, we had to look at our expenditures and where we could cut, and where we were going to get more funding. I’m proud of this. When I came in in 2008 we were borrowing money. Now, we’re making our own cash reserves.”

It was also announced that Jennifer Davis was the winner of this year’s Diamond of Excellence Award for all of her outstanding service she has brought to the City.

The event was also broadcast live on where it will be archived for anyone who wants to view it.