The Clinton County Sheriff’s Office teamed up with a few of their jail vendors and elementary schools to assemble care packages for U.S. soldiers deployed overseas Monday morning.
A total of approximately 20 people, including inmates, vendors, staff and volunteers spent nearly two hours and packaged 1,000 individual packages.
“This was the sheriff’s idea,” said Jail Matron Ashley Kelly. “I was recruited to take care of the logistics. It’s been fun. We’ve been looking forward to this and I hope these guys are proud of the work they’re doing with us this morning.”
Combined public communications, phone, commissary and video visitation provider and Quality Correctional Care, medical provider, donated the items being sent to the troops. Some of the items being sent were shampoo, body wash, baby powder, q-tips, chap stick, playing cards, batteries, Ramen noodles, snack mix, drink mix, sugar, creamer, etc.
“All of our community elementary schools participated in making cards and letters to put inside the care packs as well,” said Kelly. “We believe part of the rehabilitation process for inmates is learning how to give back. This community service opportunity gives the inmates a sense of pride and purpose for the upcoming holiday season.”
Kelly added they expect to package all of the care packs, with the help of the USO, to ship overseas, especially to the Middle East, in time for Christmas.
“We would like to send a huge thank you to our vendors and schools for making this possible,” said Kelly. “We also commend our inmates for their hard work today. Everyone did an amazing job working together today to complete a thousand of these packages. I am so proud of everyone who participated in today’s project! We will certainly continue community service projects in the future; this could not have gone better.”
Lora Sorrells of Quality Correctional Care, echoed Kelly’s sentiments.
“I hope they (the troops) love it,” said Sorrells. “I can’t imagine their lives right now. I hope they will be thrilled with the things we’ve packed.”
This was just the first part of this two-day venture. Starting at 9 a.m. Tuesday, the sheriff’s department, along with their female inmate workers, will be baking 40 pies for the Community Thanksgiving Dinner. Director Aaron Congleton will be in attendance. This is being made possible through our Kitchen Food Vendor, Kellwell, and they will be site as well as assisting.