Suncrest Elementary School Issues Reminder For Morning Drop Offs

Suncrest Elementary School released a statement on Monday, Aug. 12 instructing parents to remain in their vehicles when dropping their student off for the school day for the safety of the students, the parents and the staff as well as the convenience of other drivers in the drop-off lane.

Suncrest released the following statement on Monday regarding parents pulling into the side lot at the school in the morning hours to drop off their student.

Parents, for the safety of our children, we do not permit parents to park in our side lot to walk students into school. If you are driving your student to school, you will need to remain in the car line at drop off and pick up for everyone’s safety.

Also, we are asking for parents to say their goodbyes from the car and let your student walk themselves into school. We have staff spread throughout the building to assist any student needing help finding their classroom.

Thank you for your cooperation.