Three BCSO Employees and Two Unified Command Teams Test Positive for COVID-19

The Boone County Sheriff’s Office continues to conduct bi-weekly COVID-19 tests. As of today, we have five newly confirmed positive cases for COVID-19. One is from our Enforcement Division, two are from our Corrections Division, and two are from the Unified Command. To date, we have completed a total of 1,883 tests; 12 of which returned positive. 10 within the BCSO and 2 from within the Unified Command.

Upon receiving the results, the BCSO employees were immediately quarantined at home, and will remain isolated for a period of two weeks. The BCSO employees will then submit to two more tests before returning to work. Both tests, at least 24-hours apart, must have a negative result before the employees return to work. BCSO continues to follow suggested guidelines, provided to us by local, state, and federal health authorities.

Sheriff Mike Nielsen stated: “On September 15th we released a media statement about our third positive case of COVID in our Sheriff’s Office. At that time, we stated that we were approaching 1000 positive cases in Boone County. Today, 55 days later we are closing in on 1800 positive cases in Boone County with 56 deaths. We continue to mitigate the spread of this virus through mandatory testing of all our employees every two weeks. Our goal continues to be to protect our staff, their families, the inmates, and the public that we encounter each day. We continue to be committed to keeping everyone safe and to prevent the spread of this deadly virus. Please help us help you by using the SMASH Acronym from the Boone County Health Department. Stay educated on this virus and practice SMASH to help
prevent the spread. If this virus has not affected you, your family, or our friends, IT WILL. Please stay healthy