Two Lebanon Police Officers Test Positive for COVID-19

On the morning of May 21, the Lebanon Police Department was informed that two members of the department have tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Both officers are under quarantine for the next 14 days as they work through this illness. Prior to returning to work, both officers will be required to by asymptomatic and have a negative test.

Both officers began showing symptoms on May 16, 2020 and self-quarantined. Neither officer has been in the police station nor had contact with other officers since they began showing symptoms. The facility was also cleaned thoroughly and disinfected upon them notifying the administration of their symptoms.

Over the past couple of months, measures have been taken to help ensure the health and well-being of our officers. At the beginning of their shift, Officers have their temperature taken and are evaluated for any symptoms related to the COVID19 virus. If a high temperature is indicated, the officer is sent home and referred to medical professionals for the appropriate testing and treatments. In addition, officers have been provided with N95 masks, surgical masks, hand sanitizer, and sanitizers to routinely clean their patrol cars and workspaces.

As businesses, restaurants, and facilities around the city have begun to reopen, we would like to encourage everyone to continue to practice safe hygiene and social distancing measure.