WILO will rebroadcast the entire Clinton Prairie/Lafayette Central Catholic boys basketball game Sunday March 16 starting at 7:00 PM.
Sam Wort and Kyle Etherington called the exciting game and peppered their broadcast with all kinds of fun, facts and insight about the coaches and players.

Don’t miss the rebroadcast of the exciting overtime game between the Prairie Gophers and Central Catholic Knights, starting at 7:00 PM Sunday March 16.
There are several ways you can hear the game on or radio or streaming world-wide:
- WILO 96.9 FM
- WILO 1570 AM
- Boone 102.7 FM
- WILO APP available on the APP store or Google Play
- At the “Blue Bouncing Bars” on Clinton, Carroll and Boone County Daily News.

WILO and Kaspar Media thanks our business partners. Without them, we could not bring you coverage of this game.
- Jerry’s Body Shop
- Frankfort Jimmy John’s
- Davis Comfort Solutions
- Central Indiana Plumbing and Well Service
- Colfax Pizza King
- Esserman Best One
- Wampler’s Services, Inc.
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