Winski Brothers, Inc. Implements New 70-Foot Truck Scale

Winski Brothers, Inc. upcoming truck scale.
– Photo courtesy of Jim Byers

Winski Brothers, Inc. announced its implementation of a new truck scale intended to improve the ease of access to the business for trucks and trailers while also providing an improved means of weighing scrap prior to shipments.

Winski Brothers, Inc. Owner Jim Byers stated that the business is looking toward the implementation of a 70-foot truck scale and a complementary scale house at the business for the visitors and customers to experience an improved process when distributing their scrap.

“If you’ve got a pick-up truck and a big trailer or even a pick-up truck and little trailer, we’ll let you on the truck scale,” Byers said. “Everything’s going to be different and hopefully more efficient.”

Byers expressed that the main goal behind the implementation of the scale was to improve the ease of access for the customers that operate large vehicles and trailers, and it acts to continue improvements that Byers and the team of Winski Brothers, Inc. seek to implement for the community and customers to enjoy.

“We made it easier with putting in the other gate and making it so you could circle around the building without having to back out onto the street, which was incredibly dangerous,” Byers said. “This makes it so much easier for the people who have big trailers. A lot of times, they have dump trailers.”

Byers stated that the scale will provide a 120,000-pound capacity for trucks and scrap, which Byers stated was more than enough for the scale as the weight limit for trucks traveling the streets of Indiana remains at 80,000 gross pounds.

Byers commented that another benefit of the scale is its functionality for the business itself as the team will have the opportunity to weigh the scrap before shipment, which will allow for the business to remain certain of the weight of the truck rather than operating on an estimation.

“If you can’t weigh your own scrap, then you really, really have to trust the people you’re selling to,” Byers said. “It really will make it better for us on the outbound side, on the shipping side. Right now we estimate, and we can estimate what we think things are, but we don’t know how much we’re shipping until we get the report back from where we’re sending it.”

Byers stated that the implementation of the scale acts as one of numerous projects that the team at Winski Brothers, Inc. seeks to launch in the next few years, and he hopes that the scale will be operational prior to the start of August.

“We’ve got other plans, but you can only do so much at a time,” Byers said. “We’re limited by time and money, but we’re doing things as we can.”

Winski Brothers, Inc. is located at 751 W. Washington St. in Frankfort. For more information, contact the team at 765-654-5323.