Zionsville Plants Tree In Honor Of Retiring 22-Year Right-Of-Way Manager

The Town of Zionsville showcased a new tree planted in the community in honor of retiring Right-Of-Way Manager Roger Collins to continue honoring his dedication to the Zionsville community.

The Town stated that the “Roger Collins Tree” was planted to stand in his tribute for 22 years following his 22 years of service, and the Town intends to keep the tree standing for another 22 years following that, and another 22 years again and again.

“In the case of our retiring Right-Of-Way Manager Roger Collins: great appreciation for all you have done, the respect and admiration of co-workers and constituents and a tree planted in your honor,” the Town released. “Thank you, Roger, for giving Zionsville your expertise, service and friendship over the last two decades.”

The “Roger Collins Tree” is planted in honor of retiring Right-Of-Way Manager Roger Collins.
– Photo courtesy of the Town of Zionsville