Zonta Clubs Around The World Say NO! To Violence Against Women Campaign: Monday, Dec. 2

Article Series Courtesy of Zonta Club of Frankfort

Relationships are essential.

It is through relationships and shared values with individuals, groups, communities, and institutions that our efforts to engage men become meaningful and sustainable; and it is through men’s relationships with their families, workplaces, communities, other men, and themselves that they can create positive change.

Violence is not inevitable.

Men perpetrate violence not because all men are bad or want to cause harm, but because all of us are surrounded by messages which say that to be violent, invulnerable, and controlling are what it means to be a man. Our approaches must open more ways for men to take action and show care, vulnerability, learning, and accountability.

For more information, go to: https://engagingmen.futureswithoutviolence.org.