Mayor Sheets Wishes The Frankfort Community A Happy Thanksgiving

As the turkeys roast and the potatoes boil, Thanksgiving has begun in Clinton County, and Mayor Judy Sheets released her thoughts as she embarks on a Thanksgiving celebration with her friends and family.

Thanksgiving Cookies Pumpkin Pie - JillWellington / Pixabay

“On this Thanksgiving, I encourage us to pause to reflect on all of your blessings,” Sheets wrote. “We live in a blessed community that cares for one another and believes in our community and those that call Frankfort home.”

Sheets provided insights into her thankfulness during the season of thanks by expressing her gratitude for the first responders that maintain the safety and the well-being of the community of Frankfort, the city employees that dedicate their time to improving the community and the veterans that allow for the community to prosper.

“I am thankful for the first responders who are away from their families this Thanksgiving to provide for our community,” Sheets wrote. “I am privileged to work alongside some of the best employees. They give more than they take, provide many excellent amenities, and provide the best services to our residents. I am thankful for all our military personnel in the Armed Forces who are away from their loved ones. I pray that they feel our love from afar and return home to us soon.”

Sheets continued her Thanksgiving message by expressing her gratitude for the small business owners within the community that help keep shopping local and improve the economic development of Frankfort. Small Business Saturday will continue to thank the small business owners across the county this Saturday, Nov. 25.

“As the holiday season begins, I am reminded every day that the City of Frankfort is blessed with some of the best business owners,” Sheets wrote. “They provide us with unique shopping and dining experiences. They create a vibrancy in Frankfort, and I am blessed to have them believing in Frankfort.”

Sheets concluded her message by encouraging the community to delve into the thankfulness that it holds for fellow community members, small business owners and city and county officials who improve the quality of life for every citizen.

“This Thanksgiving, I pray that you are able to spend quality time with family and friends,” Sheets wrote. “I hope you cherish these moments and memories for years to come. Happy Thanksgiving.”

The Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be held today, Nov. 23 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Frankfort Neighborhood Center at 259 S. Third St. in Frankfort. The Festival of Lights will kick off tonight at TPA Park around 6:30 p.m.