Lebanon Community School Corporation Sets Guidelines For Spring Break

With Spring Break coming up for the Lebanon Community School Corporation from March 22 through March 31, the corporation issued a reminder for students with a focus on student athletes who have signed a pledge in the Athletic Handbook.

Athletic Director and Asisstant Principal of Lebanon High School Phil Levine released a reminder for students and families as they embark on travels for spring break, reminding the athletes that the Athletic Handbook forbids innapropriate behaviors and activities that may reflect poorly on themselves, their team or their school.

“This is a friendly reminder for our student-athletes that they have made a pledge by signing the Athletic Handbook to abstain from any inappropriate behaviors or activities that would be deemed conduct unbecoming of a student athlete. In addition, they have also signed to refrain from any use of tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs.  Some of the athletes (and many of their parents) seem to think that an athlete who violates this rule while out of season or on an out-of-state vacation (and out of jurisdiction) has somehow distanced themselves from the policy, that is false.

Please keep in mind when a friend or not-so-great friend displays their cell phone pictures, a text, facebook, instagram, or snapchat, etc., of inappropriate spring break activities, it will get to our coaches, administrators and/or athletic director. When a minor is arrested out-of-state, people in our community frequently hear about it (Lebanon is a friendly community, but not immune to small town gossip).  I hope all of our athletes and their parents have a great time on vacation, but please come home safe and sound… and violation free.

Have a great time you deserve a Break! TIGER PRIDE!”