Clinton County Community Member Receives 2024 Indiana Sheriffs’ Association Scholarship

Dakota Bailey receives the 2024 ISA Scholarship.
– Photo courtesy of CCSO

The Clinton County Sheriff’s Office announced that a Clinton County community member was the recipient of the 2024 Indiana Sheriffs’ Association Scholarship as he continues to pursue his dream of entering the realm of law enforcement.

The Clinton County Sheriff’s Office announced that Dakota Bailey is the 2024 recipient of the Indiana Sheriffs’ Association Scholarship locally. The association awards college scholarships to qualified high school seniors or college students who are pursuing a degree in criminal justice studies with approximately 40 $750 scholarships being awarded throughout the state.

According to the Clinton County Sheriff’s Office, “the Indiana Sheriffs’ Association Scholarship Fund was established for the purpose of receiving, investing and dispensing of funds to provide college scholarships to qualified students who are committed to pursuing an education and career in the law enforcement field.”

Qualifying attributes include being an Indiana resident, being a current member of the association or dependent child or grandchild of a current member of the association, attending an Indiana college or university, majoring in a law enforcement field and enrolling as a full-time student with 12 credit hours or more.

Bailey was selected as one of the 40 recipients of the 2024 iteration of the scholarship, and he is the son of Clinton County Jail Supervisor Jonathan Bailey.