Optimist Club & Lions Club Fishing Derby Kicks Off This Saturday, June 1

The Optimist Club and Lions Club Annual Fishing Derby for Youth and Families kicks off at the Frankfort Lagoons on Saturday, June 1 at 9 a.m. with awards being presented at noon for the biggest fish caught.

Awards will be presented for the biggest fish caught for youth ages 0 to 8, 9 to 13 and 14 to 18. A free light lunch will be served after the awards for those in attendance.

Community members are encouraged to bring their own fishing equipment and bait or utilize the equipment provided by the organizers.

All youth must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian for the event, and fishing licenses are not required as June 1 stands as a Department of Natural Resources Free-Fishing Day.

The event is organized as a join effort between the Frankfort Optimist Club, Born to Shine Optimist Club, Frankfort Lions Club and interested individuals.

For more information about the derby, contact the organizers at 765-659-2919.