CCSWCD Recruiting Volunteers for South Fork Wildcat Creek Stream Blitz

The Clinton County Soil and Water Conservation District are currently recruiting volunteers who will sample more than 50 stream sites throughout Clinton County Friday, September 10. The stream assessment will occur as part of the semi-annual Wabash River Enhancement Corporations’ annual Sampling Blitz which also includes streams in the South Fork Wildcat Creek Watershed throughout Clinton, Carroll and Howard County.

Each group of volunteers will be responsible for sample collection from four stream sites.  Volunteers will then learn how to use test strips to measure different water quality parameters.  Sampling equipment and instructional videos will be provided.  To learn more about the Wabash/Wildcat Sampling Blitz or to see results from previous monitoring events visit

To volunteer please contact the Clinton County Soil and Water Conservation District at 659-1223 extension 3 or email [email protected]