Clinton County Chamber of Commerce President Wanda Mitchell presided over the last Chamber meeting of 2023 and her second to last meeting in her two-year term. The venue for the board meeting and spouses was hosted by Bill and Sonya Miller at the Goodwin Museum on South Main Street. The magical space is not typically set up and capable of hosting events, but Chamber Members were treated to the vintage museum, program and orientation by Bill Miller. Food was catered by Chamber of Commerce member Slabby’s.
The Clinton County Chamber reported increases in memberships, Facebook followers, healthy financial reserves and a positive plan for the development next year of the second floor of the Iron Block Building that will enable several office spaces above the existing Chamber offices.
“2024 will be a dusty year for the Chamber” said CEO and executive director Shan Sheridan, referring to the installation of an elevator and build out of the upstairs office space.
Tina Stock, the Chamber’s newest team member, was introduced to the board and spouses. Stock will be replacing the retiring Barb Gerald. “Shanta Claus” AKA Shan Sheridan all dressed up in his Red and White suit gave all board members a gift, a word of thanks along with his own electronic “Naughty or Nice” test for some board members and guests. The hi-tech electronic device advertised to everyone whether that tested individual was “Naughty or Nice”. (BTW author of this article Russ Kaspar registered “Naughty”, an observation re-enforced by his spouse Susan).
The Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet will be Thursday January 25th at Arborwood. Cost is $30 per person and table sponsorships are available by contacting Brande Seibert. Seibert was instrumental in significantly increasing Chamber Memberships in the past two years. Barb Gerald was also recognized for her Chamber Cookie Fundraiser which has garnered over $13,000 income for the Chamber since its inception a couple years ago. Chamber Casino Night will be at Silver Coin Friday March 15, 2024.
Shan Sheridan sang to the board and guests wishing all a “Merry Little Christmas” from the 1944 Judy Garland movie “Meet Me in St. Louis.”
Kaspar Media will keep you posted on the build out on the second floor of the Iron Block Building coordinated by Chamber Board member Jim Scott.