Clinton County JCAP Pod Welcomes Sniffles, The J-CAT As A New Therapy Animal At The Jail

The Clinton County Sheriff’s Office has officially welcomed Sniffles, the J-CAT to the JCAP pod at the Clinton County jail as a new therapy cat.

The JCAP pod welcomes Sniffles to the family.
– Photos courtesy of Clinton County Sheriff’s Office

On Thursday, Jan. 18, Clinton County Sheriff Rich Kelly announced that he located a cat in the area of Kirklin Brick Road and County Road 200 South that did not appear injured but was visibly freezing. After inviting the cat to stay with him and his wife, Matron Ashley Kelly, temporarily, the cat, now known as Sniffles, was eventually introduced to the men of the JCAP pod at the jail.

After determining that the men of the JCAP pod did not have allergies related to felines, the men took a vote and accepted Sniffles into the JCAP family. Matron Kelly initially named the cat “Ice Ice Kitty” before the men of the JCAP pod renamed the cat to Sniffles, the J-CAT, who will act as a therapy animal, which Sheriff Kelly commented was a common practice in jails and prisons across the nation.

“We are excited to see the pawsitive changes it will bring to this program,” the Sheriff’s Office released. “They will be tasked with all things that come with cat ownership and the care and maintenance of the animal.”

The Sheriff’s Office stated that if an owner comes forward with proof of ownership, Sniffles will be returned.

Sniffles settles into his new home.
The JCAP pod members make friends with Sniffles.