Colfax Lions Club Dedicates New Playground Equipment In Colfax Lions Club Park

Colfax Lions Club dedicates new playground equipment during Mid-Season Day on Saturday.
– Photo courtesy of Hanna Haynes

The Colfax Lions Club and numerous youth leagues of Clinton County celebrated a day of games, ceremonies and enjoyment during the annual Mid-Season Day where a special dedication was held for the Colfax Lions Club Park for its new installation of playground equipment.

On Saturday, the Colfax Lions Club held a ceremony to celebrate the new playground equipment installed at the park. The equipment, which totaled over $27,000, was funded through a grant and community donations to bring two play sets, two riding toys, six swings and two baby swings to the park.

The toddler playset was dedicated to Cole Mundy with the permission of the Mundy and Corbin family, and a QR code will be placed on the playset for community members to scan and see a video of Cole’s smiling face.

Colfax Lions Club member Hanna Haynes discussed the history behind the implementation of new equipment at the park and the road that has led to the Colfax Lions Clubs’ continued dedication to the park since its inception.

“In the fall of 2022, the Colfax Lions Club wrote a Clinton County Community Foundation grant for new playground equipment at the park here in Colfax, the Colfax Lions Club Park, and we did that because the playground equipment that we had was very old,” Haynes said. “I think it was installed in the late-80’s or early-90’s, and it was just not safe for the kids anymore, so we tore that equipment out in the spring of 2022, and we wrote a grant that way we can install new ones.”

Haynes highlighted the work of the community as they received numerous donations that allowed for the organization to bring the new playground equipment and the updates to the park to fruition as they headed into the annual Mid-Season Day festivities on Saturday.

“Along with community donations, we were able to purchase a bigger set for older kids and a smaller set for 2-year-olds to 5-year-olds,” Haynes said. “We also purchased new swings and jumpers, jumping ridealong toys, at the park. That way, the kids could have something nice to enjoy and somewhere to play.”

The park has also seen updates throughout the past 15 years with a renovation of the baseball field, the addition of a concession stand, a remodel of the shelter house and the implementation of a walk path from the trail to the park, which was in conjunction with the town.

“We’re just trying to better it for the Town of Colfax,” Haynes said. “Our park is completely funded by volunteers. It’s the Lions Club Park. The town does not own that park, so I think people think they should upkeep it, but really it’s all on volunteerism and donations and things like that. It’s really important to us members to keep it going.”

The playground equipment was funded in part by the Clinton County Community Foundation, Town of Colfax, Jackson Family and Jackson Farms, Bryson Haynes Foundation, Colfax Pizza King, Corbin Family and the community donation jar at Colfax Pizza King.

The Colfax Lions Club is still seeking community donations for additional picnic tables to be installed at the park. Currently, the park features eight picnic tables with six tables having been donated, but the members are seeking the installation of additional picnic tables. Plaques will be placed at the picnic tables in honor of those who donated. Interested community members may contact the Lions Club members at 765-894-7854 or 765-894-3837.