Good News Coming Out of Data from South Africa Concerning Omicron Virus

Good News is starting to emerge from data from South Africa and UK. As more reliable data is emerging it seems to point to a favorable picture of what we are up against with the Omicron Virus.

Death rates for the Omicron Covid virus are significantly lower in South Africa. This is significant since South Africa is several weeks “ahead” of Indiana with respect to the “invasion” of this highly contagious Covid Omicron virus.

See video below.

Graph of Deaths in South Africa. First wave on left is from the original Wild-type Covid-19 virus. Second wave (tallest, most fatal) is the Beta variant. Third death Wave shown is from the Delta variant. The fourth wave is very small and far over to the right. This very small wave is from the newest Omicron variant spreading at an extremely rapid rate. 

(Host of this video is Dr. John Campbell Ph.D.). Campbell received a diploma in nursing from the University of London and Bachelor of Science in biology from the Open University. He subsequently earned a Master of Science in health science from the University of Lancasterand a Ph.D. in nursing education from the University of Bolton.)