Green Meadows Announces 2023-2024 Teacher of the Year

Green Meadows Intermediate School announced the 2023-2024 Green Meadows Teacher of the Year with celebrations from the staff.

Lindsey Bright and Brandon Doub present Amy Smith with a bouquet of flowers in honor of her recognition as Teacher of the Year at Green Meadows.
– Photo Courtesy of GM

This year, the Teacher of the Year recognition was awarded to Mrs. Amy Smith, the intervention teacher at Green Meadows who works tirelessly to meet the needs of the kids at the school.

English Learner teacher Amy Crawford expressed her excitement for Smith’s receipt of the recognition.

“Such a well-deserved honor,” Crawford wrote. “I have taught with Mrs. Smith since 2004, and I am always in awe of her abilities as a teacher.”

Principal Lindsey Bright and Assistant Principal Brandon Doub and other Green Meadows staff members surprised Smith with a bouquet of flowers to congratulate her on her receipt of the honor.