Home for the Night Raises $10,000 toward $38,500 Goal For November Through February Warming Center

The Home for the Night Shelter has announced its progress toward its goal in fundraising to keep the shelter open from November through February for the upcoming winter, raising almost $10,000 toward its $38,500 goal as of Feb. 2.

Home for the Night announced its potential closure due to the lack of funding for operations and payroll late in 2023, closing its doors toward the end of January for this year with aspirations to open once again as a warming shelter in November. With the aid of community members and organizations, Home for the Night has raised $9,891 toward its $38,500 goal as of Feb. 2. The donations have been received through individual donations via Venmo, @homeforthenight, drop-offs at the office at 250 Alhambra Ave. in Frankfort and fundraising efforts outside of the organization.

Throughout the fundraising campaign, numerous businesses have elected to have donation boxes at their establishment, such as Frankfort Arni’s, Department of Child Services, The Main Event Bar & Grill, Winski Brothers, Inc. and Plaza Mexicana. As well, volunteer John Fickle has been traveling around the county and collecting donations for the shelter.

Another organization and individual that elected to aid the shelter in its fundraising efforts was the Clinton County Chamber of Commerce and baker Barb Gerald through the Cookies for a Cause fundraiser. Through the fundraiser, Gerald was able to raise $1,500 for the shelter.

“Thank you, Barb, for always supporting us and the other organizations in our community,” Home for the Night staff wrote. “As always, we are eternally grateful for the efforts of those who continue to support our shelter. We have donation boxes out in our community, and we are still planning fundraisers that we will announce as the dates approach.”

Home for the Night was also a recipient of fundraising from the Quilts for a Cause online auction, which was hosted by MaryLynn Peter with quilts donated by Carol Evans. The quilt dedicated to Home for the Night was sold for $80, which was given to the shelter.

Peter also has been raising funds at the indoor Frankfort Farmers and Artisan Market for Home for the Night. Due to the generosity of the vendors and patrons of the market, the farmers market collected $82.55 for the shelter during the Feb. 3 market. As a result of the market being closed early due to reports of patrons smelling gas, Peter announced that the collection for Home for the Night will be extended to next month’s market as well, which will take place on March 2 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.