Inside Look At Firemen Required Skills Training At Frankfort Facility

Thursday evening 32 Volunteer fireman including a couple females and a couple paid fireman were in class at the training facility from 6-10 pm doing live fire training and other hands on classes.

Firefighters were from Frankfort, Kirklin, Johnson Township, Colfax, Forest, Russiaville, Camden, Flora, Rossville, and a few other out of the community areas.

The classes started in September and should finish up mid January to receive their certifications. They are spending four hours two nights a week learning hazmat and over two hundred different skills required for their State certification. Their are six to ten certified instructors out at the facility each time to help teach the required skills.

Thursday evening was hands on with a car fire, shutting off sprinklers, ladders, ropes, and search & rescue.

Clinton County Daily News was invited to come out and see first hand what goes on in these classes and grab some photographs so the community can also see what a trained firefighter does and learns to become certified.
After the training is completed they also have to take the state tests.

For photos click the links below.

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