Some can remember a couple decades ago when the crowning cupola returned to the top of the Clinton County Courthouse on the Frankfort Square.
Clinton County Resident and Historian Leroy Good thought this finishing touch on the Courthouse was just the thing to complete the structure. Leroy said it was “like a Rooster’s Comb”. The courthouse just wasn’t complete without it.
Now, across Washington Street, you’ll see another famous landmark with a sign of completion.
New signage on the James A. Ellis Building marks the building that used to house the WILO Radio studios upstairs and in an earlier era, the Crescent Newspaper Office downstairs.
The James A. Ellis building has been home to Ellis Jewelers for almost 60 of Ellis Jeweler’s 103 years.

By Carolyn Ellis
“I have always felt like something should be at the top of the store where the name Crescent used to be way back in the day when it was a newspaper office. But just never came up with anything till after Jim passed away. I can’t think of anything better than to honor him with his name on the building since it belonged to him.
It has taken awhile to decide how I wanted it worded but this is what I finally came up with. I think now the building will look complete.”

The decoration on the front of the building showing the hand of a grinch-like being stealing an ornament was designed, built and installed by Ellis Jeweler Brady Posey.
The sign was produced and installed by Graphics Guardian located in the Bankable Building, visible in the distance in photo above.

Photos of Ellis Building Decoration by Erick Dircks: CLICK HERE
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