John Large Wins Republican Party Caucus to Fill Vacant City Council Position

New Frankfort City Councilman John Large, right, has a discussion with Republican Party Chairman Jim Moyer after he won the caucus to fill a city council vacancy.

John Large said about 10 years ago, he began to get the desire to be a Frankfort City Councilman. Saturday at a Republican Party caucus, he got his wish as he defeated Scott Highlander for the vacancy created by the resignation of Mike Brite as City Councilman District 3.

“I appreciate getting into this,” said Large. “Like I said, it’s on my bucket list and I’m happy to do this. I’ll give it 110 percent.”

Large was asked what he wanted to focus on in his new position.

“I think it’s hard to make decisions unless you have all the facts,” said Large. “What I will do is learn the first couple of months, kind of watch what’s going on, bone up on what they’re dealing with and make myself aware of what’s going on.”

Clinton County Republican Party Chairman Jim Moyer said that could be a problem.

“Unfortunately as it goes, we have only selected him to finish out the current term of Mike Brite which is just to end of the year,” said Moyer. “We’ll have to have another caucus after the first of the year and that will be the four-year term.”

Moyer’s was asked his thoughts on Large.

“I think we made a good choice,” said Moyer. “I think John will do a good job. He knows a lot of people and a lot of people know him. I think he’ll be a good representative.”

Large said he’s had several friends come back to visit Frankfort and are very impressed with how the city looks.