Street Paving in Frankfort Will Begin in mid-August to First of September

Frankfort Street Superintendent Jason Forsythe told the Board of Works Monday night that paving will begin in the late summer to early fall.

“We had a meeting with Rieth-Riley last Friday and they let us know their schedule,” said Forsythe. “If they can fit us in before that, they will. But it looks like mid-August to the first of September.”

Earlier this year, Mayor Judy Sheets, the Board of Works, Frankfort City Council and Forsythe approved the total of $648,805.00 for an additional five paving project for 2023. The following paving projects will include the following:

  • East Clinton Street from Clay Street to Fudge Avenue
  • South First Street from White Street to West Walnut Street
  • East Ohio Street from Crescent to Kelly Avenue
  • McClurg Street from Myrtle Avenue to Rossville Avenue
  • Clinton Drive from Fudge Avenue to Maish Road

Forsythe added they would also pave the alley besides Domino’s.

One of the most publicized parts of Prairie Creek Park downtown was for kids and adults alike to be able to use the splash bad. However, it has been unable to use it this year because of problems.

“New Flow (out of Indianapolis) is coming in July 20 to talk to us and fix the splash pad,” said Forsythe, who is also the interim Parks Superintendent. “After that’s done on the 20th, it will take about a day to prepare. Then we’ll have a seven-day waiting period in between. After that, they will come back, take a look at it and if everything looks good to them, we can turn it on.”

City officials have worked all summer trying to find the problems and companies to work on the problem.

In other news, Forsythe said the last two storms that have hit the city recently have caused quite a backlog of brush to be picked up.

“We had two major storms recently back-to-back that hit us pretty hard,” said Forsythe. “We get 25 or 30 piles picked up, we get 15 to 20 calls a day to pick up.”

Forsythe added they have had a couple of machines go down, but said they will get everything possible to get it picked up as soon as possible.