The Frankfort and Lafayette Crossing schools held a combined graduation ceremony at the First Church of the Nazarene this morning. Twenty-one students participated by sharing their stories of what brought them to this point in life. There were some common threads in each speech including personal and spiritual growth, academic success, and feeling part of a community that they will greatly miss. Many students thanked specific family members, their teachers, and the Lord for helping them reach this goal.
Today would not have been possible without the support from the local schools who regularly refer students and offer scholarships for them to attend. Special thanks to the Nazarene Church for the use of their building for the ceremony as well.
The mission of the Crossing is to empower students to become contributing members of their communities through academics, job training, and faith-based character education.
If you are interested in learning more about the school, please visit the website at
The ceremony was recorded by HoosierLand TV and on the Nazarene Church YouTube page.
Hoosierlandtv broadcast is brought to the community by Encampass Credit Union and Wampler’s Services,Inc.
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