Town Of Zionsville Hosts Z’ Tree Of The Year Contest

The Town of Zionsville is hosting its Z’ Tree of the Year Contest in celebration of the Town of Zionsville’s Tree City designation as community members are encouraged to vote for their favorite tree within the town borders.

The contest is being implemented to highlight the significance of trees in natural spaces in Zionsville as well as the ecological and economic benefits provided to the community by the presence of the trees.

The town is currently posting candidates for the contest on its Facebook page alongside a narrative of the trees, such as its importance and contribution to the community.

Community members are encouraged to cast their vote here.

Pink Dogwood Narrative:
This tree is important to our family because it represents new beginnings. We were so fortunate to have the opportunity to live anywhere in the country, due to my job, and we picked Zionsville to raise our family, moving from Seattle. This dogwood is in it’s early growth, like our daughter, and its beauty represents the beauty of our neighborhood, our town, and the people who live here.
– Photo courtesy of the Town of Zionsville