Utility Service Board to Make Decision on Extension Length for People to Pay Bills

Earlier this year, residents were given five extra days by the Utility Service Board so they could pay their bills on time. However, that isn’t quite working out like the USB thought it would.

(General Manager) Todd’s going to do some checking. We’re going to see what’s going on,” said USB Chairman Kent Brewer Tuesday night. “We’re going to come up with a policy at the next meeting whether we give no extension or if we give two days extension.”

The USB gave residents extra time to pay their bills because residents were saying things like their Social Security check didn’t come on time. Brewer said residents have caught on to “how the game is played” and are asking for more time.

The decision will be made at the October 2 meeting which starts at 7 p.m.

Also, the USB changed the retirement age for their employees  from 65 to 60, effective immediately.

“It was 0n a watch list,” said Brewer. ” It is 69 percent funded today and we chose to turn around to move that back to 60. But early retirement takes a lot bigger hit than it did previously.”