19th Indiana Family Star Party A Success

Is there life on Mars and what are NASA’s probes and landers teaching us?

What is the difference between a star cluster and a galaxy? Between a planet and an Astroid?

What is the latest on Camp Cullom’s project to remotely control its telescope so Prairie Grass Observatory can “Hit the Road” and bring Astronomy into classrooms and nursing homes of our Clinton, Boone and Carroll County friends and neighbors?

What does a meteorite (“fallen star”) look like and what does it feel like in your hand?

All these topics and much more were a part of  the 19th annual Camp Cullom Indiana Family Star Party hosted by the Wabash Valley Astronomical Society, Muncie Astronomy Club and Indiana Astronomical Society.

About 200 people gathered at Camp Cullom from several states to enjoy “fellowshipping” with others who love astronomy.  Dozens of telescopes were on the field and available to the public to view the stars.

Telescope and Binoculars and Space Lego Sets were giving away to children interested in astronomy and the Star Party’s own “SkyTrekker” program engaged about 15 children with telescopes, star charts and laser pointers to “shake hands” with the stars.

Camp Cullom’s Indiana Family Star Party at Prairie Grass Observatory provides families an opportunity to view the universe through large telescopes, ask astronomers questions about the stars and enjoy talks on the latest developments in Astronomy.

Astronomy is the study of all physical matter outside of Earth.  That’s provides quite a range of topics to garner interest. Here are some of the interests that were represented at the star party this weekend:

  • Solar viewing
  • Imaging celestial objects with telescopes
  • Planetary viewing and Planetary Science
  • Remote control of telescope equiptment throughout the world through the internet,  including Camp Cullom’s remote control telescope project.
  • Latest NASA progress on lunar and Mars missions
  • Latest availability of new “Toys” to do imaging and observations better
  • Viewing Galaxies, Star Clusters, Planets and Binary Stars through some of the largest telescopes in the State.
  • Sharing educational and outreach ideas to help our youth gain interest in STEM subjects. 
2022 Indiana Family Star Party at Camp Cullom and Prairie Grass Observatory. Photo by Erick Dircks