Whitestown Announces Grant, Releases Survey, Opens Roads

The Town of Whitestown released numerous updates as the Christmas season has drawn closer and offices will be closed for Christmas Day, including the receipt of a grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation, the release of a survey for the Parks Recreation and Aquatics Center and the opening of Perry Worth Road.

The Town of Whitestown receives $80,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation.
– Photos courtesy of the Town of Whitestown.

The town announced on Wednesday that the local government received a Safe Streets and Roads for All grant from the U.S. Department of Transporation totaling $80,000. The grant will be utilized to create a roadway safety plan with a completion date for the projects of fall 2024.

The Town of Whitestown remains as one member of the 385 Safe Streets and Roads for All grant recipents, with the total grant values exceeding $817 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law under President Joe Biden.

“The grants go directly to regional, local and Tribal communities for implementation, planning and demonstration projects driven at the local level to improve safety and help prevent deaths and serious injuries on the nation’s roadways,” U.S. Department of Transportation leaders released.

The funds are awarded to towns positioned to launch projects to prevent the crisis of death on the nation’s roads through safer people, roads, vehicles, appropriate vehicle speed and post-crash care.

The Town of Whitestown also recently released a survey to allow public comment regarding the Recreation and Aquatic Center. Town leaders stated that the town is committed to providing quality parks and recreation facilities for all members of the Whitestown community. The town has hired and engaged the Skillman Corporation and the Sports Facilities Advisory to conduct a feasibility study for a potential new aquatics center, and the feasbility study includes a community engagement survey.

Perry Worth Road reopens after receiving upgrades.

“The following survey focuses on community member responses to better understand community needs, desires and potential use of a new aquatics center that may be considered as part of future facility considerations,” town leaders wrote. “Responses to these questions will complement the feasibility study and help to inform the town’s decisions and planning for potential future facility development.

The survey is expected to only take five minutes to complete, and responses are anonymous. The survey is available online or by visiting the Town of Whitestown Facebook page.

The Town of Whitestown also announced that Perry Worth Road north of Whitestown Parkway and south of 550 South is open to traffic after receiving several renovations to improve the flow of traffic and the safety of drivers in the Whitestown area.