Healthy Communities of Clinton County Holds Annual Event at Willow Creek Barn

Healthy Communities Executive Director Lorra Archibald, far right, presents Center Township Trustee Jami Pratt with a plaque for being the Organization of the Year at Healthy Communities annual event Thursday night.
Dan Evans, who serves as the Executive Chair of the Indiana Biosciences Research Institute, was the guest speaker at Thursday night’s Healthy Communities annual event.

Approximately 150 people gathered for the Healthy Communities of Clinton County Annual Event Thursday night at Willow Creek Barn in rural Frankfort. The event also highlighted the Clinton County Health Department for their achievements this past year as well.

Healthy Communities Executive Director Lorra Archibald thought the event was a great evening for all that showed up.

“I thought Dan Evans did a great job as our keynote speaker,” said Archibald. “It’s always nice to have people here from the community to hear about all the great partnerships we have with other organizations and hear about the accomplishments of Healthy Communities and the Health Department for the year.”

The theme for this year’s event was Together, which Archibald thought was the perfect theme for this year’s event.

The featured speaker for the evening was the Executive Chair of the Indiana Biosciences Research Institute (IBRI) Dan Evans, who also serves  as the vice chair of the Indiana Drug Abuse Commission and chairs the Healthy Hoosiers Foundation both as a gubernatorial appointee. He previously served as the Chief Executive Officer for the IU Health Statewide System until May 2016.

Special award winners for Healthy Communities was Mary Kay Baker (Volunteer of the Year), Center Township (Organization of the Year) and Nancy Ward (Carol J. Price Award winner).

“This is the second year the Health Department has been under the same roof with Healthy Communities and I think we had a chance to do more collaborating with different areas besides COVID,” said Clinton County Health Department Director Rodney Wann. “We’re finally able to get settled in and having that partnership on a day-in and day-out basis. That’s probably been the key thing for us this year.”